Black Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor)

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Black Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor) This orchid is prized by many plant lovers not for it's flowers, but for it's d...



Black Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor)

This orchid is prized by many plant lovers not for it's flowers, but for it's deep almost black foliage and colorful pink pinstripes. This easy to care for Ludisia Discolor are tropical plants with unique leaf patterns that grow naturally on the forest floors of Southeast Asia.

Lets break down everything you need to know to care for your Black Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor) by mimicking it's natural environment.


Here are some quick tips to understand the Black Jewel Orchid basic care:

Botanical Name: Ludisia Discolor

Plant type: Medium to fast growing under right conditions

Exposure to sunlight: Medium-bright to bright indirect light (north facing window)

Soil type: Well-draining and chunky soil

Color: Velvety, maroon-black leaves and pink pinstripe markings

Water: Moderately watered - moist soil

Favorable climate: Tropical & Humid

Preferable Fertilizer: Liquid fertilizer

Propagation: Stem cuttings

Toxicity warning: Not toxic to pets or people

Status: Rare

Height: Up to 4-7 feet

Origin: Southeast Asia


Now that you've gotten a quick overview of this rare Black Jewel Orchid, we will give you important tips, do’s, and don'ts with growing this coveted plant.


Black Jewel Orchid Potting Mix:

Unlike most other epiphytic orchid species, jewel orchids are terrestrial orchids, which grow on the ground rather than on trees. We recommend a well-draining potting soil that includes part orchid potting mix, part perlite, and part peat moss to make sure you have good drainage, but also enough moisture retention to keep your black jewel orchid happy.

Black Jewel Orchid Watering:

The Black Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor) prefers a slightly damp soil environment to keep happy and healthy. Good watering practices are key to success, as the plant can easily die from overly wet soil. Water when the top inch is dry, and adjust the frequency based on the type of potting mix you are using - more porous mixes tend to dry out faster.


Black Jewel Orchid Lighting:

The Black Jewel Orchid is an excellent choice for those looking for a low-maintenance plant. Place it in a north-facing window to replicate its natural habitat, or provide indirect sunlight and shelter from harsh sunlight to ensure maximum growth and avoid burnt your leaves.


Black Jewel Orchid Humidity:

As a tropical plant from Asia, jewel orchids need moderate to high humidity, especially during the dry winter months. Consider adding some sphagnum moss to your potting soil to retain moisture, use a pebble tray under your plant, group plants or place a humidifier nearby to increase humidity. Humidity levels from 50-70% are good, depending on if you keep your plants soil moist in between waterings.


Black Jewel Orchid Fertilizer:

We recommend using an orchid-specific granular or liquid orchid fertilizer every 6 to 8 weeks from spring through fall at half strength dilution. This will keep your Ludisia Discolor growing well and keep the great leaf coloration.


Black Jewel Orchid Toxicity For Pets:

You might be wondering if Jewel Orchids are poisonous? Unlike some Orchids, the Jewel Orchid is not toxic to pets or people.


Black Jewel Orchid Propagation:

The stems are fragile and can easily break when handling the Jewel Orchid, so it's common to propagate through stem cuttings.

Once you have a piece of stem with upper leaves pot it up into a similar potting mix as the parent, then put it into a bag or put a bag over the top of the pot. New roots should develop within a month or two, be careful until this happens as the new plant won't be well anchored into whatever growing media you've chosen, so it can be knocked out easily.


Black Jewel Orchid Rarity:

How rare is the Black Jewel Orchid? Ludisia Discolor or Black Jewel Orchid is a very unique cultivar in the orchid family. As the name implies, this rare plant has vivid dark purple to black leaves accented by white/pink veins.

This makes the tropical houseplant rare as the foliage is what most plant lovers are drawn too.


Weather Conditions

Please be mindful of the weather conditions in your area, as rare plants can be particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures especially during shipping. If the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit in your location, we strongly advisepurchasing Winter Shipping Protection or consider purchasing the plant when weather is more suitable.

Click Here to add Winter Shipping Protection to your order. 

Extreme cold can cause damage to plants during shipping, potentially leading to wilted or damaged foliage, root rot, or even death. While we take every precaution to carefully package and protect your plants during transit, we cannot guarantee their condition if they are exposed to freezing temperatures during delivery.

We recommend monitoring local weather forecasts closely and timing your plant orders accordingly. Additionally, consider providing a secure and sheltered location for package delivery to minimize exposure to cold temperatures upon arrival.

Please understand that while we strive to deliver the highest quality plants, factors beyond our control, such as inclement weather, may impact their condition during shipping.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the safe arrival of your rare plants.

Shipping Information

Orders ship within 4-7 business days. 

Please advise, shipping times can vary due to processing times and size of order.

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